Tuesday, 27 December 2011

things that come with time will always be better.

D-1 before going back.homes are always hard to leave.
i got the blessing of spending Christmas in magic France with even more magic family F!and after all those years, it is still the BEST period EVER.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.so many emotions inside.FIREWORKS.
as the plane was landing in Bordeaux i just wanted to push this man seatted by the window and tell him gosh move the hell out of here it is MY town.i want to see!i felt home.safe.
and then that was the beginning of a delicious time.friends, food, more friends and...more food.oh and real showers too.
well i realized this time that things that come with time will always be better.i always want things to happen FAST but nothing replace this feeling of accomplishment when you get something long wanted.
Christmas spirit i cherish you but FOURTINA'S i cherish you even more.

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